Well I drafted this blog a long time ago and you're going to know how behind I am on this with the next sentence. The day after I made the ice cream, an unexpected thing happened, an earthquake in DC! I made ice cream for a buddy at work for his birthday. Just as a few of us were sitting down in the kitchen to eat it - the earthquake shook us all up! We just sat there stunned for a sec. The metro goes right below our building and sometimes I can feel that. I wondered just for a sec, did the metro trains collide? Then someone yelled at us to get into the door frames. That was the end of it and we all evacuated the building. My friends took the ice cream with them. I think that must be a pretty good compliment to my ice cream, if your friends take it with them when the evacuate a building.
Alright back to the oh so old blog.
I have purchased an ice cream ball, like this
one. And I have to say it's fantastic. I did the inaugural "churn" a couple months back at a friend's BBQ. It was a great thing to do sitting around the table, drinking beers, taking a turn at shaking it while the food was grilling. By the time the food was ready, we had ice cream! That time, I did just vanilla ice cream. This time I made up my own recipe :)
Cookies and Cream Homemade Ice Cream
1 quart of heavy whipping cream
1 cup sugar
1 tbls vanilla
oreo cookies
1 cup of rock salt or kosher salt
1 bag of ice (or at least 8 trays)
Put the ice and salt in the ball part of the container. Pour the sugar and whipping cream together into the inside cylinder part while stirring. Add the tbls of vanilla. You can stop there if you want and just make vanilla ice cream. I put some oreos in a bag and took a hammer to them!
Then dumped the crumbs into the cylinder. Close the lid and get your work out! I had my two room mates help me cause it is a lot of shaking. Easy to put the ingredients together but it takes some muscles to make. The box says it takes a half an hour but I think it takes at least an hour.
before I started the shaking! really is cookies and cream |
Periodically, you'll need to open the lid and scrape down the sides. The ice cream will form around the sides. I recommend you take the ice cream from the sides out and place in a container and put in the freezer. This will help the rest of the cream form into ice cream.
after about 30 minutes |
I added more oreos, stirred it up a bit and continued to shake it up! You may also need to drain out some of the water and add more ice and salt.
look at all that ice cream! |
I'm always amazed at the end that it actually does taste like ice cream. It's hard to believe that all you need is cream, sugar, ice, salt and a bit of shakin. It's even better than store bought ice cream, it's so creamy and nothing artificial. Yum!!